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It's not just about reptiles.

Mia's Menagerie applies to the collection of all species that share our home. Whether they are furry, feathered, scaly, or slimy each animal has a unique role as companions, ambassadors, or sources of self-sufficiency.

We truly enjoy sharing knowledge of our animals, and want to help others learn to appreciate them, no matter what the species.

Humanely Raised Poultry & Farm Fresh Eggs


Fresh Eggs
Curbside pickup & local delivery available by request


Seasonal availability of eggs & chicks

Adult birds available by request


Heritage Turkeys
Poults available starting in May
Place orders by March

*We are a NH State Registered Poultry : Our flock and facility is inspected and tested annually by the NH Department of Agriculture to ensure our birds are free of transmissible diseases including Salmonella Pullorum and Avian Influenza. 

Because all animals deserve respect.

Whether our animals are pets or livestock, they are all raised according to the 5 Freedoms Of Animal Welfare, which ensures they are cared for humanely per the following rules:

-Freedom from hunger or thirst

-Freedom from discomfort

-Freedom from pain, injury, or disease

-Freedom to express normal behaviour

-Freedom from fear & distress

Learn more about the 5-Freedoms & our animal care ethics

Kid with chicken
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